Educational Programs

Որտե՞ղ –Ե․ Չարենցի տուն-թանգարաան, ԳԱԹ Կոմիտասի անվան դահլիճ
Խումբը - 10 -15 մասնակից
Տևողությունը - 80 րոպե
Ծրագրի մասնակիցները մեծանուն բանաստեղծի տուն-թանգարանում կծանոթնան նրա կյանքին ու գործունեությանը, ապա քայլերթով կգնան Ե․ Չարենցի անվան Գրականության և արվեստի թանգարան՝ ճանապարհի տարբեր հատվածներում ամրացված QR կոդերի սկանավորման միջոցով լսելով չարենցյան խոսքերի հիման վրա ստեղծված երգեր։ Գրականության և արվեստի թնագարանում ևս ծրագրի մասնակիցները կծանոթանան Եղիշե Չարենցին առնչվող ցուցանմուշներին ու դրանց պատմությանը։ Ծրագիրը կամփոփվի խաղ-գլուխկոտրուկի լուծմամբ։

Who? 16+ year olds
Where? Komitas Hall
Group: 15+ participants
Duration: 50-60 minutes
Participants are split into groups in which they will try to guess Armenian films by viewing photos of actors and listening to film soundtracks or expressions. The teams will earn a point per correct answer. In the end, the team with the most points receives a prize on behalf of the museum․
Where? Komitas Hall
Group: 10-15 participants
Duration: 45-50 minutes
Through this program, children learn the Republic of Armenia’s national symbols, their respective meanings, and the country’s laws. They will also sing the national anthem[?] through karaoke, and prepare mosaics of Armenia’s flag and coat of arms.
9-13 year old children also learn the names of Armenia’s marzes and capitals and play a game of assembling the country’s map.

Where? Komitas Hall
Group: 10-15 participants
Duration: 45-50 minutes
Children are given autumn-themed poems, allotted time to memorize them, and given the opportunity to bring the text to life using leaves, branches, and other natural elements.

Where? Komitas Hall
Group: 10-15 participants
Duration: 45-50 minutes
Through this program, children learn the qualities of creative writing. A pre-selected folk-tale is read, which the children later re-tell.
The children are divided into groups. The groups are given excerpts from a tale and corresponding illustrations. They are then tasked with compiling a book, piecing together the tale.

Where? The Museum’s Literature Exhibit Hall and Komitas Hall
Group: 10-15 participants
Duration: 50-60 minutes
Children learn about various periodical newspapers and the origin story of the Armenian press near the “Press Workshop” of the museum. The children are presented with collections from the museum’s satirical press archives and thus learn a great deal about the satire genre, as it relates to newspaper writing.
The children are then given comic illustrations and other relevant materials to prepare a satirical newspaper.
Thw power of land
Who: 55-75 years old women and men
Where: “Near East Art” exhibition hall of the museum
Group: 10-15 members
Duration: 40-50 minutes /3 phases/
1 phase- The participants get acquainted with famous Armenian Diaspora painter Marcos Grigoryan’s collection in the exhibition hall “Near East Art”. The collection consists of almost 2500 original exhibits including soil art examples, then they listen to a lecture on the topic “Soil in Marcos Grigoryan’s art”.
2 phase- Sand Therapy Meeting. With the help of a professional the participants get acquainted with the material, then they make short exercises with hands and fingers, which is followed by drawing different pictures․
3 phase-The participants create canvases using natural materials as soil, sand and wheat expressing their own thoughts, emotions, as well as activating their imagination.

Who: 6-10 and 10-13 years old children with the help of pedagogue
Where: Theatre exhibition hall of the museum
Group: 10-15 members
Duration: 50-60 minutes
Museum pedagogue makes a cognitive conversation with children about the professions in the theatre art, about the period characters lived, about fashion, signs and symbols, which is followed by practical works. 6-10 year-old children color the sketches of stage costumes chosen beforehand from the theatre archive of the museum, and 11-13 year-old children make sketches using fabric, threads, paper and other materials.
In the world of national musical instruments
Where: Music exhibition hall of the museum
Group: 10-15 members
Duration: 40-50 minutes
Children are told about creation, kinds and special traits of musical instruments, then with the help of touch screen museum pedagogue introduces each musical instrument separately, children listen to its sound, watch the performing technique. In the end children are asked to fill in the game-blanks /khachbar/ made for this program.
Where: Music exhibition hall of the museum and Komitas’s hall
Group: 10-15 members
Duration: 50-60 minutes
In the Near East exhibition hall of the museum children get acquainted with Armenian carpet making art, the meaning of colors and ornaments, then, on the basis of received information they draw sketches of carpets.

Karaoke in Museum. By the example of Komitas songs
Where: Music exhibition hall of the museum and Komitas’s hall
Group: 10-15 members
Duration: 50-60 minutes
In the music exhibition hall of the museum children get acquainted with great Armenian composer, pedagogue and musicologist Komitas’s life and activity, watch his personal belongings, photos, musical instruments, which are kept in the museum. Then, in the hall named after Komitas, they learn and sing Komitas’s songs with the help of museum pedagogue.
Where: Theatre exhibition hall of the museum and Komitas’s hall
Group: 10-15 members
Duration: 60-70 minutes
Children get acquainted with theatre art getting more information about shadow theater. Museum pedagogue reads a previously chosen tale or fable and asks children to present it. Children are divided into groups: director, actors, scenographer. They learn the text, make puppets for shadow theatre and present a short performance in the theater exhibition hall with the help of shadow box.

Where: Cinema’s exhibition hall of the museum and Komitas’s hall
Group: 10-15 members
Duration: 40-50 minutes
Children get acquainted the cartoons’ creation process with the help of archive materials in the museum, then they try to create an episode of animated movie, in the end they watch an Armenian cartoon.
Game-Excursion "Revelation"
Who: 6-8 years old children with the help of pedagogue
Where: Exhibition halls of the museum and Komitas’s hall
Group: 10-15 members
Duration: 40 minutes
Children are told about the museum, then they are suggested to choose some cards on different topics referring to Armenian literature, theater, cinema and music. After, they are asked to look for the exhibits depicted on the cards in the exhibition hall. The pedagogue tells children about the discovered exhibits. In the end, with the help of questions the information is deepened.
Game-Excursion "Revelation"
Who: 9-12 years old children with the help of pedagogue
Where: Exhibition halls of the museum and Komitas’s hall
Group: 10-15 members
Duration: 50-60 minutes
After the exposition children are divided into groups. Each group is given a card and is asked to find another 3 cards referring to the topic in the mentioned time. The group who fulfills the task first is awarded.
Game-Excursion "Revelation"
Where: Literature exhibition hall of the museum and Komitas’s hall, library
Group: 10-15 members
Duration: 60-70 minutes
Children are divided into groups. Each group is given